What is the lifespan of a vehicle that has been carefully maintained/tuned up? Hey guys. Here’s the thing. I bought myself an F30 3 Series 4 years ago, and I have been taking good care of it ever since I got it. Just simply out of curiosity, what is the possible lifespan of my car?
troy chan
I am gonna say 10 to 15 years, but 20 years is also reachable. However, no matter how well you tune your car up, eventually it will "pass away”. Longer means more money in maintenance fees.
25 Jan
Danny Wong
I think it depends on how you maintained it. If you focus on aspects like engine, gearbox, brake pads, tyres, vehicle exterior, then even 15 years is possible.
25 Jan
kelvin chan
Given your description, I think maybe 10 or 12 years???
25 Jan